A Collaboration of Partners

God has gifted each of us with skills, connections, passions, and resources. Together, as the body of Christ, we've been equipped by God in spectacular fashion. The beauty of Barnabas Group is in seeing those gifts deployed for the glory of God.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

— Hebrews 10:23-25

Our Mission

Connecting leaders to advance God’s Kingdom. We engage Christian leaders to offer their time, talent, and resources to encourage Christian ministries.

Our Vision

To bear much fruit by elevating Christian Ministries.

The Moral Compass

Our Core Values

  • A gift and a privilege. Our heavenly Father chose prayer as a way we partner with him to partake of his goodness on earth and in this life. It is the vehicle that connects the natural to the supernatural realm. It is foundational in victorious Christian living.

  • A journey of intentional decisions leading to maturity in your relationship with Jesus so that you become more like Him in your attitudes, focus and ultimately behavior. (CRU)

  • Use of our God-given resources such as time, talent, relationships and treasure for the accomplishment of God-given goals.

  • To build up, to promote another’s growth, to strengthen. When we encourage we are infusing strength, restoring, interceding, and spurring on.

Statement of Faith

We Believe

1. In the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as being verbally inspired, inerrant, and of supreme and final authority in faith and life.

2. That God demonstrated His great love for us by taking away the sins of the world through the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, without which we would all be eternally lost. Because He died for our sins, was buried, and was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures, all who trust Him for their salvation have eternal, abundant life.

3. That the practical experience of the abundant life is the result of the work of the Holy Spirit Who indwells every believer. This life is produced as we obediently respond to the word of God which teaches and convicts the heart of man.

4. In, and eagerly look forward to, the literal second coming to this earth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


"Barnabas has become an integral part of my overall life and I relish the relationships that have developed over the last few years. What started out as a quarterly meeting of like-minded Christians has turned into a lifetime of close friends, connections and collaborators. The spirit of Barnabas has shown me so many ways I can encourage and support ministries that I never would have known about otherwise."

Bill Carson - Partner

“We are so grateful for the Barnabas Group, and especially for the Barnabas Partners who have seen our vision and joined our ministry. Richard Leonard, Gary and Barb Lorenz, Hal and Lori Seed, and Bill and Mary Beth Difley have all initiated a grandparenting ministry in their Church, and also joined us as board members, staff, and donors. God has opened many doors for us through the Barnabas Group - thanks again!”

Larry Fowler - Legacy Coalition

“Restoration225 is incredibly blessed to have the unwavering support of The Barnabas Group in our mission to make a positive impact on the lives of families and children navigating the Foster Care system in San Diego County. Their instrumental role in advancing our cause is remarkable! They are a team of compassionate, Godly individuals channeling their gifts, energy, and resources towards making a meaningful difference. Their commitment goes beyond financial assistance; they provide invaluable mentorship opportunities, including Non-profit Board Guidance Seminars, SWOT Analysis, and more. The collaborative spirit and dedication of The Barnabas Group have truly been a game-changer for our organization.”

Lisa Christy - Restoration 225

“When I share about The Barnabas Group, I always say that we are a "TBG Success Story." Since our first presentation in 2009, we have grown from 1 to 5 clinics, from 170K budget to 2M, 2 employees to 30 + 80 volunteers. So much of this I attribute to the many Strategic TBG partnerships made through the years. Thank you Barnabas Group for giving us the platform that launched our thriving ministry.”

Julie Dowler - CAPS

“The men and women of Barnabas are leaders and influencers with a Kingdom and eternal perspective. Through their intentional encouragement and investment of ministries, they help shape and accelerate organizations that God is using in many diverse ways. Personally and organizationally, I have been challenged, blessed and bettered by my relationship with the Barnabas Group and its members”

Sean Dunn - Founder Groundwire

“It is difficult to describe the degree of help, blessing and encouragement the Barnabas Group has been to me personally and for the ministry of San Diego Teen Challenge. Through Barnabas I have found lifelong friends, partners in kingdom ministry and the joy of being surrounded by men and women who are deeply committed to walking together in prayer and passionate purpose. I am so grateful for the resources, insight, mentoring and help Barnabas has provided me through the community of partners. My personal life and ministry have never been more strengthened and encouraged.”

Mike Conway - Teen Challenge

“The Barnabas Group is a collection of an amazing group of individuals in San Diego who are united and Kingdom-minded. By being involved with the Barnabas Group, I am able to network and meet other like-minded business and ministry people in the San Diego area. The quarterly events are inspirational and keep me connected with the pulse of the exciting Kingdom opportunities that are available both locally and internationally. I can't imagine NOT being a part of this fantastic organization.”

Kim Moeller - NCF

Board of Directors

Dan Platt, Pasquale Russo, Jim Peevey, Bill Smith, Janean Stripe, Bill Carson, Dora Akuetteh, Curt Hensley (BOD Chair), Bill Difley, Andy Oberst. + Dianne Sivulka (not pictured)

Leadership Team

Andy Oberst


Steve Stebbins


Mary Ann Mariani


Ricardo Velarde


Ron Flores


Learn more about The Barnabas Group San Diego