About Ministries

The Barnabas Group Is a Ministry to Ministries

The Barnabas Group San Diego is comprised of Christian business and ministry leaders who desire to use their skills, experience and network to assist Christ-centered ministries who are impacting lives. We know you need money, every ministry does, but please allow us to do more.

Ministries who successfully complete our application process are provided with an opportunity to engage with Barnabas Group in several ways:

  • Present to the large group at a quarterly summit meeting, highlighting the work they are doing and areas where assistance is needed. Partners and guests are given the opportunity to express interest and connect with the ministry, and relationships are formed.

  • Involve a single ministry and a group of 5-10 Barnabas Partners who 'go deep' with the ministry and brainstorm around a particular challenge or opportunity faced by the ministry.

  • Ministry leaders are also invited to join the Barnabas community, participating as a Partner and contributing to other ministries, or as a periodic guest at summits and workshops. Barnabas Group is at its best when there is an intimate and long-term relationship between and amongst the ministry staff and Barnabas Partners.

  • Ministries interested in learning more about the Barnabas Group San Diego and the application process should contact our Director of Ministry Engagement, Ron Flores, at Ron.Flores@BarnabasGroup.org

Presenting Ministries - Q2 Summit 2024

"Because Jesus told us to go and Make Disciples" Mark Williams

"Because you have compassion for Orphans and Widows" Joe Brandi

"Because you love to Worship Jesus" James Parker

"Because Marriage is by God’s design, and sometimes we need help" Jeff Reinke

Video Testimonials

Benefits to Ministries

  • Gain new perspective on your ministry

    The Barnabas Group San Diego application process is designed to:

    1) Help ministry leaders view their organization through the perspective of a business leader.

    2) Help identify and define opportunities where Barnabas Group participants can assist as encouragers to the ministry. It is best if there are both 'easy' opportunities that help people get to know the ministry, and 'stretch' opportunities crafted around the hopes and aspirations of the ministry.

  • Enhance communication of your story

    To prepare for their session before the group, ministries are coaches by presentation experts who assist them in communicating their story for maximum effectiveness. This provides the ministry with a valuable asset and experience that can be leveraged elsewhere.

  • Accelerate your vision

    Ministries often face challenges that are similar to those our participants have dealt with in their business or ministry careers. These can involve areas such as long term planning, marketing, information technology, legal, board governance, leadership, business development and HR. Our community is eager to use their skills to overcome these challenges and help ministries realize their vision.

  • Raise the level of leadership excellence

    We host periodic leadership training sessions for ministry leaders. These sessions feature leadership experts from within the Barnabas Group San Diego as well as outside the group. Participation in these events is open to ministry leaders.

  • Develop leader to leader relationships

    Ministry organization leadership comes with unique challenges and demands. Sometimes hearing the perspective of a leader from outside your organization is valuable. Especially one who is passionate about your success. These are the types of relationships Barnabas Group seeks to foster.

  • Provide increased awareness

    Barnabas Partners and their guests are well connected into their Church communities and other organizations across San Diego County. Increased awareness can lead to introductions, prayer support, and financial support for the ministry.

Ministry Engagement Process

The Process

Our engagement approach with ministries is designed to maximize the potential benefits from our collaboration. This includes focused activities prior to the session with the group, follow-up plan and sustained long term relationship. The approach is summarized below:

  • The engagement between the Barnabas Group San Diego and the ministry represents a significant investment of time by both parties. At the initial discussion, we evaluate the potential benefit we can bring to this ministry and discuss the overall approach and effort required from the ministry to engage in it. Shortly after the initial meeting, a decision is made by both parties in regards to proceeding with the application process. The key question - does it appear to be a good match?

  • After a conclusion to move forward is reached in step 1, the ministry application profile is sent to the ministry for completion. This form promotes analytical and strategic thinking, and it takes some effort to complete. There is benefit in this process! Once the initial draft is completed, is it is reviewed by the Barnabas Group. Frequently there is discussion and feedback, and some coaching is available to help the ministry work through any challenging questions.

  • The completed application is reviewed by our leadership and volunteer staff who serve on the ministry coaching team. In some cases the best next step for a ministry is to have a SWOT meeting with a group of Barnabas Partners, while in other cases the next step is a ministry interview. Sometimes we determine that a ministry needs more time or is not a good match for Barnabas Group.

  • This is a small meeting between one ministry and 5 to 10 Barnabas Partners who brainstorm with the ministry around specific challenges or opportunities.

    Learn More about SWOT

  • An important next step in our process is for the ministry to meet by zoom with the Barnabas Group San Diego ministry interview team. This is a 'get to know you' discussion - we'll ask the ministry leader about their calling, what the ministry does, the Kingdom fruit, the vision looking forward, and how Barnabas Partners can come alongside to be encouragers.

  • Once a ministry is approved and scheduled to present to the group, preparation includes time with a professional speaker coach who volunteers her time to coach ministry speakers. She will help you to prepare your story effectively for the Barnabas summit meeting. Many ministry leaders say this coaching is valuable for all of their communications thereafter. Its very good.

  • In preparation for the meeting, Ministries create a response form that lists opportunities for meeting participants to meet the ministry and step forward into various roles as an encourager. Participants will have this available in a meeting booklet and also by phone App, and will be asked to complete the form if they feel that calling.

    Ministries typically have 16 minutes of presentation time at the Summit meeting, and are one of three or four presenting ministries.

  • TBG will aggregate responses and return them to the ministry the following day. It then becomes the responsibility of the ministry to contact those people who've indicated interest. This connection process is critical - the relationship with these individuals belongs to the ministry, and the mission of TBG is fulfilled when this new relationship becomes fruitful for the ministry.

  • Our hope is to develop deep and long-lasting relationships with Ministries, through the individual connections and directly with Barnabas Group leadership.